The internet is filled with things. Here is one of them.
The Law of One2023 Oct 16
Did professor Don Elkins have a series of 106 taped conversations between himself and "a sixth-density social memory complex that formed on Venus about 2.6 billion years ago" named Ra, channeled through the person of Carla Rueckert? These people seem to think so. Strange, though, that Uriel in her many extra-terrestrial communications never spoke to (or of) Ra.
Did professor Don Elkins have a series of 106 taped conversations between himself and "a sixth-density social memory complex that formed on Venus about 2.6 billion years ago" named Ra, channeled through the person of Carla Rueckert? These people seem to think so. Strange, though, that Uriel in her many extra-terrestrial communications never spoke to (or of) Ra.